Our Blog

  • "The more you learn, the less you seek of self advantage."-The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Muslim men praying together outdoors at sunrise.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Mar-03-2024

Prayer Service of Islam

Listen to Prayer Service of Islam: STUDY the Muslim's way of worship, and you will agree w

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A Muslim man deep in prayer to Allah
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-28-2024

What is Islam? (Part 2)

Listen to What is Islam? (Part 2): HE IT IS who sent His Apostle with the guidance and the

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Black Stone called Kaaba with Muslims forming a circle around it.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-25-2024

What is Islam?

Listen to What is Islam?: IT CAN BE ANSWERED in one word (righteousness). Briefly, it is t

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An angry Black man because the civilized man has failed to perform his duty.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-21-2024

If the Civilized Man Fails to Perform His Duty, What Must be Done? (Part 2)

Listen to If The Civilized Man Fails To Perform His Duty What Must Be Done? (Part 2): YOU

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An Original Black Man dressed as a King.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-18-2024

Who is the Original Man?

Listen to Who Is The Original Man?: THE above question is now answered from the mouth of A

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The Holy Quran along side the Bible
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-14-2024

Holy Quran and Bible (Part 2)

Listen to Holy Quran and Bible (Part 2): THE POISON BOOK and the enemies of black mankind,

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