Our Blog

  • "The more you learn, the less you seek of self advantage."-The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Black people forming a sit-in. Fighting segregation in the Jim Crow North.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-11-2024

Persecution follows the Bible and Quran

Listen to Persecution Follows The Bible and Quran: He (MR. FARD MUHAMMAD, God in person) c

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A man searching the Earth over for that mystery God.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-07-2024

Is There A Mystery God?

Listen to Is There A Mystery God?: WHO IS that MYSTERY GOD? We should take time and study

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A man looking at a guillotine understanding the seriousness of disobeying Allah
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Feb-04-2024

If The Civilized Man Fails To Perform His Duty What Must Be Done?

Listen to If The Civilized Man Fails To Perform His Duty What Must Be Done?: THE CIVILIZED

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Someone reading the Bible outside on a sunny day
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Jan-31-2024

Holy Quran And Bible (continued)

Listen to Holy Quran And Bible (continued): "Set your face upright for the religion in the

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The Holy Quran on a stand using prayer beads as a book mark
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Jan-28-2024

Holy Quran And Bible

Listen to Holy Quran And Bible: WE, THE so-called American Negroes, are mentioned in the N

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Junior Fruit of Islam soldiers standing at attention while saluting
  • By Clark Wakil
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  •  Jan-24-2024


Listen to untitled: His great teaching and warnings to us (the so-called Negroes) is BE YO

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