The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, was born Elijah Poole on October 7, 1897 in Sandersville, Georgia. Just thirty-two years after the ending of the civil war. His father, Wallace Poole, was a sharecropper and Baptist minister. His mother, Mariah Poole, was a sharecropper and homemaker. Elijah was the seventh (the number of God) child of thirteen children. Elijah received his name from his paternal grandfather; who always addressed him as Elijah the Prophet. Elijah showed leadership traits early on as a child. The older children would often come to him to settle disagreements. The Messenger was born in the Jim Crow south, a time of extreme poverty and extreme danger for, so-called, free Black people in America. He dropped out of school after the third grade to help his family by working at sawmills, brickyards, and sharecropping with his parents. At the age of twenty-five he married his only wife, Sister Clara Evans. By the time Elijah was married he had already witnessed three separate lynchings of Black men. In 1923 Elijah and the extended Poole family moved from Georgia to the Detroit, Michigan area. Post World War I and the Great Depression era, were still difficult times for Elijah and most Black men to find steady employment. Including up North. Abdul Muhammad (a Black man living in Detroit at that time) told William Poole, Elijah’s father, that there was a certain man in town teaching that which he just had to go hear for himself. So, William Poole and his extended family including Mr. Elijah Poole went down to the meeting hall to hear this certain man speak. According to the best reports, as soon as Elijah walked into the room he realized that the one who was speaking was God, Himself. When shaking the man's hand after the meeting, Mr. Elijah Poole said, "I know who you are, you're God Himself." The certain man whispered to him, that's right, but don't tell it now! It is not yet time for it to be known. That man he was speaking to was none other than Allah, Who appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom all praises are due forever.
Master Fard Muhammad at this time had already taught many Black people knowledge of self and He had restored the names of Allah to over twenty-five thousand in Detroit, Michigan alone. The Mahdi at first gave Elijah the name Karriem and later gave Elijah the name Muhammad; to become Elijah Muhammad. Later when Master Fard Muhammad gave Elijah Muhammad the title, Supreme Minister and than later the title Messenger of Allah, many so-called followers of The Mahdi left the Temple out of jealousy because they thought they were more qualified to lead the Nation of Islam. The deaf, dumb, and blind are often attracted to the physical and don’t pay attention to the spiritual or mental in a person. Many so-called followers in the Temple at that time preferred someone taller, more handsome, better educated, and more eloquent of a speaker than Elijah Muhammad to be their Messenger. The Mahdi, being all wise, knew what the 85% did not. He knew that Elijah Muhammad had what it took to stay the course. No matter what the devil brought against him nor no matter what Black people (disbelievers and hypocrites) would bring against him; nothing stopped Elijah Muhammad from completing his mission and to bring knowledge of self and knowledge of the open enemy to the Lost-Found Here in the Hells and Wilderness of North America. Master Fard Muhammad proved to be correct in choosing Elijah Muhammad to be His Messenger. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad never once deviated from The Mahdi’s message. The Messenger even offered ten thousand dollars from his brother’s vest pocket if anyone could prove one world that he was teaching was in error. Master Fard Muhammad taught His Messenger that others before Him have tried to save Black people Here in the Hells and Wilderness of North America but they didn’t have the knowledge. The Mahdi mentioned Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali as great men who tried to save their people, yet failed due to lack of knowledge. The Mahdi told His Messenger that after He gets through teaching him; Elijah will be able to save all the Lost-Found. So Master Fard Muhammad took Elijah Muhammad and began his training; which consisted of one on one studying day and night for three years and four months. Also before Master Fard Muhammad departed He gave His Messenger a list of 104 books to study from the United States Library of Congress.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad overcame many obstacles after Master Fard Muhammad departed and he took over responsibility of leading the Nation of Islam. The F.B.I. and various local police departments were constantly raiding Temple properties. Yet, the Messenger increased the number of temples from two when he started to eighty before his passing. The devil shut down the University of Islam on false charges of delinquency of minors. Yet, the Messenger reopened the school and increased the number of schools to over forty before his passing. Many hypocrites in the Nation of Islam wanted to see Elijah Muhammad unsuccessful and dead. One such hypocrite conspired with the F.B.I. and had the Messenger arrested and put in prison from 1942 to 1947. The charge was inciting draft resistance even though no Muslim should be compelled to fight in a devil’s war on the side of the infidels. Yet, even in prison the Messenger continued to teach and increased the number of followers in the Nation of Islam. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is proof of what Master Fard Muhammad said when he said, “I’m for you and if I’m for you, who can be against you. I’ll walk the water for you.” The Messenger of Allah no matter what obstacles he faced; he found a way to improvise, adapt, and overcome them; with the help in the unseen from the Mahdi, Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad.
“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad physically died on February 25, 1975. Just one day before Saviour’s Day”
At the time of The Messenger’s passing the Nation of Islam had grown to approximately 500,000 registered members. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had become so well known that Black and Brown leaders from across the globe would invite him to visit; and he was treated like a foreign dignitary. The Messenger even had a devil military escort when he meet with devil leaders in, America in, Washington, D. C. Even the devil organization, F.B.I., gave The Messenger protection, from Klansmen, when he traveled in the Jim Crow South. All across the United States of America the Nation of Islam had many businesses; including restaurants, residential real estate, barber shops, cleaning establishments, Muhammad Speaks newspaper printing press, a commercial office building, a nation wide clothing factory, a bakery, and a Temple Headquarter valued at over 4 million dollars. He also had acquired over twenty-five thousand acres of land; in Georgia, Alabama, and Michigan. He also had a transportation division made up of a fleet of trucks and a private jet. He also had a fish importation project in Peru which supplied fresh fish to the Nation’s supermarkets. This financial empire was valued at over eighty million dollars at the time of his passing. This is equivalent to $470 million in today’s dollars and this was all done without the assistance of our open enemy. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a sign to the wise of what the Black man could do if he would give up the devil’s name, the devil’s religion, and the devil’s god. The Messenger built a kingdom on earth among Black people who knew little about Black faith or Black hope. His converts comprised a class few other religions sought and few could transform into beautiful human beings. His converts were the down and out Black people, the poor, the welfare recipients, and the dope addicts. Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah, gave hope to the hopeless and a promise of a better future to those who couldn’t see past today.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a family man. He married his only wife, Clara Muhammad, in 1917 and had eight children through her. This included two daughters and six sons. There are those that claim The Messenger had more than one wife. While Elijah Muhammad was alive he did not permit his followers to engage in polygamist practices. Even though polygamy is allowed in Islam and is a natural way of life in the Asiatic world; The Messenger forbade the practice among his followers because he understood the uncivilized mind set of his people. He was still dragging them out of the mud of devil civilization. If Elijah Muhammad had more than one wife; there would be no reason for him to lie about it. He was The Messenger of Allah and polygamy is not a sin. However the false charges made against him were not for his followers (they already knew the truth) it was for the majority of Black people in the Hells and Wilderness of North America who were still living a Christian life following the devil. Even today many deaf, dumb, and blind (85%) and hypocrites (claim to be Muslims but act like Christians) still claim The Messenger had more than one wife. Even worst these lost-found and hypocrites claim The Messenger took wives that were minors and others that were being employed by him. Of course none of these lies has ever been proven to be true. All of these allegations came about after the death of The Messenger so others could tear down what had been built and new evil minded leadership could take over the once proud Nation of Islam. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a family man who had only one wife; Sister Clara Muhammad.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad physically died on February 25, 1975. Just one day before Saviour’s Day; the celebration of Master Fard Muhammad’s birthday. Elijah Muhammad died at Insight Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. In “Our Saviour Has Arrived”, The Messenger said he is not able to destroy the (wicked) Nations of the world, but he will die trying to teach them (the Lost-Found Nation of Islam here in the Hells and Wilderness of North America). The Mahdi, Allah Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, agreed with His messenger and stated that yes, (The Messenger) will give his life in the pursuit of teaching His people. Elijah Muhammad further stated that if he says he believes in God and His true religion than certainly he will give his life for it. Elijah Muhammad warned his followers that even if he dies or gets killed, don’t use that as an excuse to turn back on your heels. The Messenger further warned his followers to not worry, because they have the truth. Step up in the next soldier’s tracks that fell and keep going forward until we will overcome the enemy and destroy him. The Messenger’s funeral was the largest ever in the City of Chicago, over 20 thousand people in attendance. The City of Chicago also provided police escorts, assistance from the Fire Department, blocked off streets, and Mayor Richard J. Daley sent his personal and official condolences to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s family and to the Nation of Islam. Despite all of those that witnessed The Messenger passing, the well attended funeral, well attended burial, and a death certificate; there are those that claim The Messenger is still physically alive. Like Bruce Lee or Elvis Presley, without any proof to back up their claims, some people’s desire and want to believe is so strong it overrides the knowledge that they know to be true. Guilty just like the Jews or the Romans they will take Bible passages to try and justify that The Messenger is still alive. Some will even go so far as to take The Messenger’s own teachings as false justification that he’s still alive. Elijah Muhammad taught us all that there will be no successor after him, because there will be no need for one. Elijah Muhammad also taught us all that the only way not to die is to not be born. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (October 7, 1897 to February 25, 1975).
A Fraction of Allah in the Person of Clark Wakil
One of the Gods of this Universe
Fulfilling My Duty as a Black man by Focusing on Self Preservation
Clark is a senior consultant to the Kingdom of Islam. There is no big I's or little u's in Islam. Clark is always on the look out for Muslims acting like Christians. Clark is a member of the 12th Tribe, The Ruling Tribe; not to be confused with the 13th Tribe, or the God Tribe. Clark does what Allah ask him to do. Allah trust Clark a lot. Clark likes to rule what Allah brings into existence and Clark does it fairly. Clark is easily known. Clark was put away for a period of time, however that time period is over now. Clark has many things in life not working in his favor, however this is a sign to the wise. When Clark is able to lift himself up from the mud of devil civilization; why can't you Black man? Clark and others of like mind are the ones that we have been waiting for. As Michael Jackson said, look at the "Man in the Mirror".
When there is time to relax I enjoy watching mixed martial arts, playing a game of chess, and occasionally a good movie or TV show. When I am no longer fulfilling my duty of leaving a family legacy behind; I will have returned from which I came. Back to the negative free zone of the Sun. Remember there is plenty of time to rest when you're dead. Until then; Up You Mighty Black man and Accomplish what You Will!
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