Why did some people say Bruce Lee and Elvis Presley were still alive after their death and public funerals? Because reality is difficult for some people to accept, and when reality is too difficult to accept they pretend reality is no longer real. This is the basis of mind control; perfected by Nazi scientists during World War II and later mastered by American scientists in collaboration with the Nazi scientists brought to America after World War II in Operation Paperclip. The premise of mind control is when the subject’s reality becomes unbearable they will psychically break and form a new reality for themselves. Like all knowledge this knowledge can be used for good or it can be used for evil. The 5%, poor righteous teachers, use knowledge to teach civilization to the uncivilized. In other words the 5% use knowledge to help their people. The 10%, bloodsucker of the poor, use knowledge to teach the poor lies. In other words the 10% use knowledge to help themselves get rich at the expense of their own people. The 5% care about their brothers and sisters. The 10% only care about themselves.
While the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was alive he said repeatedly that he was aware that the Nation of Islam was honeycombed with hypocrites. He was not concerned about the hypocrites too much because he knew as long as Allah, Who appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, was backing him he would be successful. However what happens when the Messenger is no longer with us and no longer in control of the Nation of Islam. What hides in the darkness comes to the light. The hypocrites now have an opportunity to show the world who they really are. The hypocrites can take the knowledge and use it to enrich themselves at the expense of their brothers and sisters. A man or woman that pretended to be 5% can now publicly become 10%.
A new hypocrite leader or leaders will emerge. Hypocrites love to self-aggrandize themselves, because they have no interest in helping others only in helping themselves. Hypocrites who become part of the 10% know that our people are still spook minded from over 400 years of being slaves and freed slaves to the white man. The hypocrites who become part of the 10% only want followers, not independent Gods, for personal gain. The hypocrites who become part of the 10% know that a majority of our people want to stay followers, not independent Gods, because it requires less responsibility of themselves. Remember the 85%, deaf dumb and blind, are easily lead in the wrong direction and hard to lead in the right direction. Why? Because it requires thinking to go in the right direction, and little to no thought to let someone else do the thinking for you. So what happened in the Nation of Islam after the passing of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad? All of the Messenger’s followers were suppose to be part of the 5%. However, after his passing and the Nation of Islam being taken over by hypocrites the new leadership went from 5% to 10%; and the majority of the members went back to being 85% again.
“First, many of our people were psychically and spiritually broken after the passing of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”
Why did this 10% lie of the Messenger of Allah still being alive take such a strong hold over many of our people? First, many of our people were psychically and spiritually broken after the passing of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Many of our people thought without the Messenger all hope of ever getting free from the devil was lost forever. Also the thought of having to become an independent God and take responsibility for oneself was overwhelming for many. Second, staying a follower is easier than being an independent God responsible for oneself and family. Staying a follower requires little to no thought. Third, people are comfortable with what they are familiar with. It was very easy for many of the Messenger’s followers to go back into spookism and become 85% again.
So this 10% lie of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad still being alive worked because it is what the followers wanted to believe. Just like in the spookism religion Christianity where white Jesus rises from the dead; now so-called followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad believe he never died and is alive and well somewhere on the Mother Plane. The reason why this lie only works on the 85% is because in order for this lie to work you have to ignore the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s own teachings. The Messenger told us the only way not to die is to not be born. The Messenger taught us that there is no such thing as a physical life after a physical death. The Messenger’s own family members were with him when he passed. Also don’t forget the 10,000 people that attended the Messenger’s funeral. Anybody can tell you anything with their mouth, however will you believe it? Will you act like the 85% and operate on beliefs (which requires little if any thought). Or will you act like the 5% and think for yourself and see if the math adds up. If your daughter comes home and tells you she’s pregnant and the spirit god is the father. Will you believe her? Or will you think and demand her to tell you who the real father is?
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught repeatedly that he has no successor and that there is no life after death. The Messenger taught after him comes God Himself. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us a Saviour is born to teach us the knowledge of how to become Self-Saviours. Fear and Islam don’t mix! The Messenger told us not to pray as a Muslim and act like a Christian. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad passed on February 25, 1975.
A Fraction of Allah in the Person of Clark Wakil
One of the Gods of this Universe
Fulfilling My Duty as a Black man by Focusing on Self Preservation
Clark is a senior consultant to the Kingdom of Islam. There is no big I's or little u's in Islam. Clark is always on the look out for Muslims acting like Christians. Clark is a member of the 12th Tribe, The Ruling Tribe; not to be confused with the 13th Tribe, or the God Tribe. Clark does what Allah ask him to do. Allah trust Clark a lot. Clark likes to rule what Allah brings into existence and Clark does it fairly. Clark is easily known. Clark was put away for a period of time, however that time period is over now. Clark has many things in life not working in his favor, however this is a sign to the wise. When Clark is able to lift himself up from the mud of devil civilization; why can't you Black man? Clark and others of like mind are the ones that we have been waiting for. As Michael Jackson said, look at the "Man in the Mirror".
When there is time to relax I enjoy watching mixed martial arts, playing a game of chess, and occasionally a good movie or TV show. When I am no longer fulfilling my duty of leaving a family legacy behind; I will have returned from which I came. Back to the negative free zone of the Sun. Remember there is plenty of time to rest when you're dead. Until then; Up You Mighty Black man and Accomplish what You Will!
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