
Pittsburgh Courier

A Muslim man deep in prayer to Allah

What is Islam? (Part 2)

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-28-2024

Listen to What is Islam? (Part 2): HE IT IS who sent His Apostle with the guidance and the True religion, that he make it overcome the religions, all of them, though the polytheist

Black Stone called Kaaba with Muslims forming a circle around it.

What is Islam?

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-25-2024

Listen to What is Islam?: IT CAN BE ANSWERED in one word (righteousness). Briefly, it is the religion of Allah (God) Himself of whom Allah (God) is the author. Islam, the religion

An angry Black man because the civilized man has failed to perform his duty.

If the Civilized Man Fails to Perform His Duty, What Must be Done? (Part 2)

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-21-2024

Listen to If The Civilized Man Fails To Perform His Duty What Must Be Done? (Part 2): YOU MUST know that you have not been rightly civilized. No one can enslave another who has equ

An Original Black Man dressed as a King.

Who is the Original Man?

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-18-2024

Listen to Who Is The Original Man?: THE above question is now answered from the mouth of Allah (God), to us, the so-called Negroes, for the first time since our straying away from

The Holy Quran along side the Bible

Holy Quran and Bible (Part 2)

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-14-2024

Listen to Holy Quran and Bible (Part 2): THE POISON BOOK and the enemies of black mankind, who accuse the righteous daily of being other than righteous, then charge me, and my foll

Black people forming a sit-in. Fighting segregation in the Jim Crow North.

Persecution follows the Bible and Quran

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-11-2024

Listen to Persecution Follows The Bible and Quran: He (MR. FARD MUHAMMAD, God in person) chose to suffer three and one-half years to show his love for his people, who have suffered