
Pittsburgh Courier

A man searching the Earth over for that mystery God.

Is There A Mystery God?

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-07-2024

Listen to Is There A Mystery God?: WHO IS that MYSTERY GOD? We should take time and study what has and is being taught to us. Study the word and examine it, and if it be the TRUTH,

A man looking at a guillotine understanding the seriousness of disobeying Allah

If The Civilized Man Fails To Perform His Duty What Must Be Done?

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Feb-04-2024

Listen to If The Civilized Man Fails To Perform His Duty What Must Be Done?: THE CIVILIZED MAN - his duty is to teach civilization to the uncivilized, the arts and sciences of civi

Someone reading the Bible outside on a sunny day

Holy Quran And Bible (continued)

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jan-31-2024

Listen to Holy Quran And Bible (continued): "Set your face upright for the religion in the right state. The nature made by Allah, in which He has made men." Holy Quran 30:30 The so

The Holy Quran on a stand using prayer beads as a book mark

Holy Quran And Bible

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jan-28-2024

Listen to Holy Quran And Bible: WE, THE so-called American Negroes, are mentioned in the New Testament under several names and parables. I will name two, the parable of the Lost Sh

Junior Fruit of Islam soldiers standing at attention while saluting


  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jan-24-2024

Listen to untitled: His great teaching and warnings to us (the so-called Negroes) is BE YOURSELF . What is our ownself? He answered that "Your ownself is a righteous Muslim, born o