Sample Saviour's Letter
City and State
Mr. W.F. Muhammad
4847 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60615
Dear Saviour Allah, our Deliverer, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever:I believe in the religion of Islam, as taught by Thy Servant, Elijah Muhammad. I bear witness that Muhammad is Thy Servant and Apostle. I desire to reclaim my Own. I desire a name from Thee. My slave name is as follows:
Mr. Robert Pigfeet
Many of our people make mistakes because they operate on beliefs rather than knowledge. Don't let some slick-talker trick you into believing the Messenger's teachings, when you can know the Messenger's teachings for yourself.
As slaves and now free slave here in America we were taught to follow and not to think for ourselves. We have been trained to look for answers from someone else rather than from within Self. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was taught by Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad for three years and four or five months. Then The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah, taught the Black man and woman here in the Hells and Wilderness of North America for over 40 years. The Messenger poured his knowledge into the Black man; provided that the Black man was willing to receive it. The knowledge shared with us from The Messenger is God Knowedge. This God Knowledge is your foundation which will guide you in all facets of your life. This is why, Black man, you are to look within and not without when seeking answers. As long as your foundation is sturdy you will not be fooled by mankind or man. Neither devil nor man of the original nation will be able to trick you.
It is best to read and hear all that you can of The Messenger's teachings before deciding if you really desire to reclaim your Own. However, be mindful of the day and time that we are living in. Tomorrow is promised to no one.
Build Your Foundation
Each book should be read until it becomes a part of you.
Your understanding will accelerate if read in order.
Beginner Level
1. Message To The Blackman
2. The Fall of America
3. Our Saviour has Arrived
4. How to Eat to Live Book 1
5. How to Eat to Live Book 2
6. The Supreme Wisdom Vol. 1
7. The Supreme Wisdom Vol. 2
Intermediate Level
8. The Divine Sayings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
9. The True History of Jesus
10. The Flag of Islam
11. The God Tribe of Shabazz
12. 100 Answers to the most Uncommon 100 Questions
13. The Mother Plane
14. The Theology of Time
Advanced Level
15. Any audio from The Messenger
16. Any video from The Messenger
17. Any written article from The Messenger
18. Holy Qur’an (Yusuf Ali or Maulana Muhammad Ali version)
19. Bible (aka poison book; only touch this grafted book if you desire to relate to the deaf, dumb, and blind for teaching purposes)
Books may be purchased at Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah or Elijah Muhammad Books
Audios and videos may be enjoyed at Nation of Islam Historical Archives Online